Seattle Metaphysical Library Events

We welcome the participation of new members and volunteers to help build a useful and valued community resource!

UFO Chat Group

We have a large collection of UFO books, magazines, DVDs, and video tapes on all the various aspects of UFO studies. Most of them are from the earlier days of UFO publications and are very difficult to access now. This material is in storage, which is a good time for those of us interested in the subject to meet and discuss our research and questions we have.

UFO Chat Group
Couth Buzzard

July 27, 11:30 am   (Fourth Saturday of the month)
Couth Buzzard Espresso Cafe in Greenwood

8310 Greenwood Ave No
Barns & Noble Bookstore, Norsthgate

Wednesday afternoon, July 31, 2 pm
Barnes and Noble Book Store at Northgate, ground floor coffee shop

401 NE Northgate Way #1100, Seattle, WA 98125

Weird Science

New location! Bob Guelth's house, in White Center

First Friday, August 2, 2024  -  7:30 pm

This meeting is at Bob Guelth's house, 11044 22nd Ave SW, Seattle, WA 98146
It is not necessary, but it helps if you contact Bill using the links below to pre-register


Meetings of Seattle's "weird sciences group" will take place the first Friday of each month and yes, the general public is very welcome to attend.


Email Bill at billb (@) and ask to be put on the Seattle weird-science email announcements list, or see

You can see his YouTube channel at
William J. Beaty
beaty, chem washington ed Research Engineer
billb (at) amasci (dot) com
UW Chem Dept, Bagley Hall RM74

Box 351700, Seattle, WA 98195-1700

CPAK 2024 Conference
Road Trip to Neevada City

Road Trip to Nevada City!

Early bird pricing ends soon.

The Binary Research Institute has been putting on these conferences every year or two since the early 2000s.
They bring together top researchers and authors in the emerging fields of ancient archology and ancient technology.
The Wise Ones from this earier Ice Age civilization (or even older!) knew about the coming Dark Age, and left messages in the monuments and myths to help the future generations (that would be US).
This information is a multi-dimensional kick-start to our awakening consciousness. New information is coming out every year.
This conference is a chance to meet not only the researchers and authors, but also other conference attendees, who are, in and of themselves, knowledgable and interesting people.
This is always a worthwhile conference to attend, and I hope you can join us.