The Seattle Metaphysical Library is dispursed and most of it is in storage

Emerging from the cocoon.

We will reopen when we find an affordable space and enough volunteer energy to keep it going.
Last updated January 21. 2025

Our phone number is still (206) 329-1794, please feel free to call and leave a message.
Our mailing addres is Seattle Metaphysical Library, PO Box 30812, Seattle, WA 98133

The Tarot, Astrology and Magick sections reside at Martha Rhoda's house in Magnolia

Martha has a warm invitation for interested people to visit the reading room she and other volunteers have set up in the basement of her house for your use. Please contact her to get her address, and to set up a time to visit.
You may email her at or call her at (206) 551-8277.
The phone will usually get a faster response than the email
She will have a copy of the membership database, and if you are a paid-up member, you may borrow and return books here.
Buddhist and Meditation Books
We are working on setting up a branch reading room on Mercer Island for Meditation and Buddhist books.

The Seattle Metaphysical Library (legally known as the AS-YOU-LIKE-IT Library) was established in Seattle in 1961. We have grown over the past six decades to hold over 13,000 books plus thousands of audio and video tapes, CDs, DVDs, magazines and newspaper clippings on a variety of esoteric and controversial topics - material designed to help remove the Veil of Maya - the veil of illusion - from our eyes and help us grow into the fully-realized humans that is our natural birthright.

We are an all-volunteer, independent resource center providing esoteric and alternative material and events to support personal growth to enhance our understanding of ourselves, the universe and our place in it.
Our events are limited now to occasional Zoom classes, Zoom meetings and off-site events - see a listing on the right, and details on our Events page.


Please feel free to send an email to if you would like to post something on the website, or send out a message in the newsletter.

One of the benefits of our Library is an opportunity to interact with other people who share your interests. One way of allowing that exchange to continue is to reactivate the blog, and post contributions in the newsletter.

Supporters Meeting

We will continue to have our Supporters meetings as a Zoom meeting. If you are interested in being part of the support team that keeps the Library running, and would like to participate in the Zoom meeting, email for the Zoom invitation.
Please note: We have lost track of the various people who have signed up for Zoom meeiings.
If you have previously asked to be on the list for our Supporters meeting, please
Click Here to see Book Reviews

Call for Volunteers

We are always interested in reliable volunteers who care about the Library. Since most of the books are in storage, we don't have much use for people to volunteer in person. There is a lot of work that can be done on the web, looking up books, typing up research, etc. We are also interested in helping people who want to start discussino groups. It doens't have to be restricted to the Seattle area. Meet other people with the same esoteric interests that you have.  The Library has over 16,000 books, and they need to stay organized by category - volunteering is a great way to see what the Library has to offer. We also need help with publicity, fundraising, helping members and visitors, leading discussion groups and events. E-mail us if interested.

Library Contents

Mind-Body Healing, Rife Technologies, Goddess Studies, Ancient Egypt, Alternative Health, Ayurvedic Medicine, Christianity, Buddhism, Art, Chinese Philosophy, UFOs, Parapsychology, New Physics, Rudolf Steiner, Alchemy, Astronomy, Shamanism, Sufism, Qabbala, Herbalism, Ancient Near East, Atlantis, Pre-Columbian America, Magik, Tarot, Near Death research, History, Politics and Conspiracies, Secret Societies, Occult Fiction, Tesla Technologies, Edgar Cayce, Comparative Religion, Yoga, Consciousness Studies, and much more!

For a detailed list of topics please see our Booklist page.

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