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Hidden Energy

Tesla-inspired inventors and a mindful path to energy abundance

Jeane Manning and Susan Manewich
FriesenPress, September, 2019

Reviewed by Amir Fasad

This overview of the "free energy" scene by Jeane Manning and her new co-author, Susan Manewich, has high and low points. For anyone expecting hard data about how to build an over-unity device, it will be a disappointment, but it does cover a few interesting topics, amongst the "new age" paradigm shift material.

An early chapter refers to the interesting work of Dr. Gerald Pollack, into his water "exclusion zone" discovery. As I stated in my review of his book, The Fourth State of Water, this research has implications for our understanding of the second law of thermodynamics, even if no practical energy source results from it. Dr. Pollack did not explicitly mention this in his book, but does refer to it here. He has since started a foundation to promote research into leading edge scientific fields, including gravitation and energy production.

The book later describes tests conducted by engineer John Cliss on several "over-unity" devices. While the one described in any detail did not seem to produce excess energy, a number of others seemed to work, at least according to the tests he was allowed to conduct. The descriptions of these are vague, but Mr. Cliss seems to know enough about testing protocols, and has the proper gear, to make these devices worthy of a further look. Such testing is THE critical missing step in almost all over-unity research, because, even leaving aside deliberate fraud, many inventors are unaware of how electrical devices can give misleading output measurements.

The fantastic-sounding energy devices of Floyd Sweet and T. Henry Moray are also covered, and the accounts agree with my longstanding impression that these two inventors indeed made real breakthroughs. Another minor highlight is research into the story of the "free-energy" car allegedly build by Nikola Tesla, which seems to add some circumstantial credibility to the obscure story, while falling short of real proof. The work of Ken Shoulders, into charge clusters, and Randall Mills, into light production by a process resembling cold fusion, are also interesting.

Many other inventors are mentioned, as well as other prominent names in the field, such as Tom Bearden and many others, but the authors seem to have little discernment about the relative credibility of the people they refer to. A unique theory of Moray King, about the possible source of over-unity output in some water powered engine type devices, is interesting, but too little data is provided to know if the theory is right. Some of the stories resemble those I've heard for decades about fantastic inventions which are claimed to produce huge amounts of excess energy. Where are they?

Much of the rest of the book is "new age" type philosophical commentary and more general remarks about the energy field, concluding with a call to action. All in all, it is more interesting than some of the earlier works by Ms. Manning, but not solid enough to convince anyone not already disposed to believe such fantastic technology is possible. I suppose that might be too much to ask, at least at this point. But there is always the next book...