
2220 NW Market St., L-05
Ballard, WA 98107
(206) 329-1794

The Seattle Metaphysical Library Donations

The Library is a non-profit organization run entirely by volunteers. We deeply appreciate Donations of any amount.

Freewill Donations

Donate with PayPal:
Use your credit card

Monthly donation options

We've received requests from members about the opportunity to make a monthly donation, in addition to joining the library.
NOTE: This is NOT an option to pay members on a monthly basis, the membership must be paid in full before material may be checked out.

If you would like to make an additional monthly donation, say $5 or $10 a month, a triffling amount for many people, or even more, we do have a way to do that with PayPal or with credit card (and you do not have to reveal personal information.)
And thank you so much! Rent is expensive in Seattle, and these small monthly donations add up to make it possible for us to stay here.
Donate with PayPal:
Use your credit card

Book Donations

We accept donations of books on Metaphysical subjects to add to our collection or sell in our Online Store. Stop by with your donations, or contact us with questions. You may also donate via the Distributed Library method.

Item Donations

If you have anything you feel would benefit the Library or could be sold in our Online Store to generate revenue, please contact us with your idea and we will let you know if it's something we can use.