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YOU are the Answer:
An Extraordinary Guide to Entering the Sacred Dance with Life and Fulfilling Your Soul Purpose
- by Michael J. Tamura
280 pages.
Publisher: Star Of Peace Publishing.
Gifted to the Seattle Metaphysical Library by Michael & Raphaelle Tamura

Reviewed by Stephanie Merchant

Michael Tamura's book on his life and each person's soul life from the perspective of a Clairvoyant healer is amazingly deep for an author's first book. You are the Answer is well worth the effort for anyone who is willing to take the time and energy required to read this book. This is not the kind of book that one plows through in an evening. This book asks for your time and in return gives you the chance to go deeper into the self.

This book clearly shows the difference in how each person's gift shifts the feel and focus of their experience of the world. Tamura as a healer runs deeply on feel and as one travels through the stories of his life you cannot help but feel the texture. It is a very different experience to read a book by someone who has energy run through him or her as opposed to someone who interprets energy from outside of them.
Reading of the author's struggle with being a working healer and finding his soul's true path was inspiring. He didn't have a clear path at all times that he fully understood even when he could almost hear it whisper to him. He wasn't perfect. He made mistakes along the way. However, he did listen when spirit would try to call him back home to his soul. Tamura speaks with the wisdom of one who can deal with real life struggles.

I wouldn't suggest this book as a first book for those seeking to understand the intuitive process - unless the person was a healer having clairsentience and/or clairvoyance as their primary gifts. The depth of the book could be daunting to the beginner. For the more experienced this book could help to inspire a further dedication to embracing the wisdom of the spiritual self. The book does stress reincarnation as a given - so part of the emphasis of the book is in dealing with the soul's total progression as an essence on its way to rejoin the God source.

Tamura shares with us his experience in a way that is funny yet sweet - deep yet uplifting. This could be the book to take to the beach that just might change your whole experience of the beach!